September 7, 2007

Update: The All-In-One Torch!

The latest version of the AiO Torch - the only multi-function torch available absolutely free-of-cost for ALL S60 3rd Edition devices - is finally out guys!

Although I never expected to roll out another release so soon, it's just that the response to the first release was quite encouraging (not to mention the presence of some extra time at hand) that made me do otherwise. Anyway, you'll find that there are a lot of changes in this update.

I, for one, find it to be a very convenient utility as many a times you find yourself groping for the light switch while in a dark room, searching for your keys on the bedside table or even trying to read the menu in a dark restaurant. The possibilities are endless!

If you haven't checked out the initial release yet, I'd recommend you do. You can find it right over here. The most notable changes are highlighted below:

Changes / Improvements:

  • An All-In-One Torch / StrobeLight
  • Completely re-developed User Interface
  • About 30% Brighter Light Output via LED
  • Introduction of a Novel ScreenTorch utility
  • Compatibility with ALL S60 3rd Edition Devices (N73, N80, N95 and more)
- For a quick startup, I'd recommend you to keep Python in the list of Active Standby apps available on your device for quick retrieval. In order to do that, go to Tools > Settings > Phone > Standby Mode > Active Standby Apps from the Menu and make the necessary changes!

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- The ScreenTorch utility works by displaying a white background in fullscreen mode whilst leaving the backlight on. You can use it as a torch or simply to keep the screen bright and well-lit even if you are not pressing any buttons. It can easily be turned off anytime by pressing the right softkey

- StrobeLight Pro, as previously described here, utilizes the camera hardware to produce regular (albeit not permanent) flashes of light (using the LED) every 5-6 seconds

- Please use this script entirely at your own risk. While LEDs have a remarkable service life, they do tend to get hot and adequate heat-sinking is essential. So remember not to close the camera lens cover immediately after extended use

Special Notes:

Note that you need to have Python installed on your phone first. In case you're not familiar with that, follow the steps given below in the order listed:
  • Install the Python for S60 interpreter application (PythonForS60_1_4_0_3rdEd.sis) on your phone
  • Install the script shell (PythonScriptShell_1_4_0_3rdEd.sis)
  • Install the Miso Module for Python (miso-1.92-s60_3rd_self.sisx)
  • Send any of the included python scripts (*.py) to e:\Python
  • Next, run Python from the Menu and select the script you want to run.

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Download Links:

P.S All the required files are provided below. Note that you need to install the Miso module for Python (included in the package) before running the script.

- For the N73, N75, N81, N82, N93, N95, 6120c etc



- For the N80



- For the E90 Communicator


UPDATE: New download links added!


Nifo said...

Nnice work man. But i have a problem with my n71. The flash works only with the from your previous tread but it is not permenent. It turns on and off like it sends the s.o.s via mors code. If you can pls share with me some advise. Thanks

Taha M said...

It isn't a problem...the thing is, currently there is no way to make the flash permanent in Python, which is why you see regular flashes of light.

So, I guess we'll have to live with it for now until something else turns up.

Anonymous said...

I'm using StrobeLight with the Nokia n95. It flashes a few times every 5/6 secs or so. Is there a way to make the 5/6 secs delay shorter?

I've looked at the script but don't know what to change.


Taha M said...

Thanks for writing in! Unfortunately, there isn't any way to reduce the delay to less than 5-6 seconds.

It can, however, be increased as done in the Time-Lapse Photography Script.

This might be a hardware constraint more than anything else.

Tek said...

Thanks, it works really well! Also, I really like your theme for the phone screenshots... any chance you could tell us what it is?

Taha M said...

Hey Tek! I'm glad you liked the script. This theme's called 'Lights' by Nokia. You can download it right here

WWG said...

Hi, Very Good Blog :)
Look from Québec Canada

WWG :)

Taha M said...

Appreciate your kind words about the blog, WWG! :)

Jonhiy said...

'Send any of the included python scripts (*.py) to e:\Python'

How do I do that?Where is e:\Python?

Taha M said...

Here's what you need to do (assuming you've already installed Python to the phone's memory card)

- If you have the Nokia PC Suite, using the File Manager, navigate to your Memory Card (E:); right-click in an empty area and select New > Folder.

- Call that folder 'Python' and send all the required scripts (i.e. files with the 'py' extension) to it.

- Next, run Python from the phone's menu and you'll have a list of all the scripts available.

If you have any more queries, feel free to ask :)

Kaarlo Mäkelä said...

Is there a way of getting the torch to full screen on e90 (when the cover is open)? Now it's like 1/5th of the screen. Thanks.

Taha M said...

Hey Kaarlo! I've just added a newer version for the E90. Please check the original post for details and let me know what you think!

Kaarlo Mäkelä said...

Hey t m, thanks for the quick reply! Now it seems that it runs on fullscreen, but there's a problem that it gets stuck if I close the cover so I have to reboot my phone because it ain't reacting to the buttons (but I think that's a bug in the python app or/and in e90's soft).

Taha M said...

Hmmm, well it is designed to terminate whenever the right softkey i.e. the exit key is pressed in Python. It won't react to any other key. Can you check again just to make sure? Otherwise, it might just be another Python bug...

Kaarlo Mäkelä said...

Checked it again, it also get's stuck if I change the screen brightness by pressing the brightness key, I can close it fine if I don't close the cover nor press the brightness key. The power button seems to respond normally thou, maybe you could make the torch turn off with the power button? etc. Thanks anyways for the app.

Anonymous said...

i have installed it got 5script file ran all five worked but no strobelight need help

Anonymous said...

nice1, works fine on e50, any way to increase brightness.


Alex Coleman-Hanson said...

ok, think about this one... the nokia n95 light wont stay on for love n money. although while the camera is focusing the light stays on is there any way you could utilize this software to our advantage. this would have to be done using python and specificially for the n95. this would mean a almost permanent light from the camera hardware. would appreciate a nice n95 light script.

nice work so far

Anonymous said...

hey there.. so the script can only make it flash repeatedly (strobe light) as opposed to being permanently on?

I'm using a Nokia 6120c and the strobe light is funky but I need a permanent light.

Taha M said...

Hey Alex! Thanks for your comments. You've got quite an interesting idea here.

I believe it's the AF assist lamp that you're talking about. This feature is also available on other Nokia phones that support AF, such as the N73. Unfortunately though, there is no such way (yet) to control the behaviour directly from Python. Let's keep our fingers crossed though...

Taha M said...

Hey Dan! Yup, the script makes the flash light up repeatedly in short bursts. And yes, ALL of us need permanent lights! I'd like to think of the Strobe as a poor man's flash light on a high-end Symbian phone :)

Frankly, I'm surprised why Nokia haven't included a flashlight feature on Symbian phones yet, especially since this has to be right up there amongst the most desired features.

Anonymous said...

a small mark at the time of my passage on your very beautiful blog!
thanks for making us share your moments
you have a translation of my English space!
cordially from France
~ Chris

Anonymous said...

I found a simple trick to use the N95 as a torch for a short time. (Dont know if everyone knows about it)

1. You have to activate the camera mode.
2. Then hold your finger in front of the lens. You should see your finger now very close on the display. (As long as you dont press the activator the screen should be black.)
3.If you press the activator (for the photo) half, as if you want to autofocus, the light stays on for a few seconds.

Taha M said...

I don't think covering the lens makes a difference as whenever you're in a dark place, the camera automatically fires the flash (AF Assist) for a few seconds in order to focus on the subject before taking the picture. It's normal behaviour.

However, the light won't last for more than a couple of seconds.

Anonymous said...

Yes thats right, but if the camera has focused the light gets off.
If you hold your finger in front of the lens you can make sure that it will stay on for the longest possible time.

Its only a workaround if you need light for a few seconds, nothing new but perhaps not everyone know about.

Anonymous said...

Thousand thanks for this script bro!!
I am an LED expert, so any questions about LED hardware are welcome on my mail.

After lots( and I really mean LOTS) of research, I've found that the LED used on N73 and similar are SMT Luxeon or one of its clones. These have pulse forward currents as high as 1000mA, Which goes well over 2 Watts of power per burst.

Obiviously that poor 1100mAH battery falls short to light up these beasty LEDs. So we use a method called 'Strobing' for optimal results.Simply put, Strobing involves miniature circutry to 'Store' the power and release it as a whole with a very powerful Burst of Energy.
That 5-6 sec delay you get,is nothing but the 'Re-charging' time needed to replenish this store.


Taha M said...

Thanks for the clarification, sparks! You've provided some interesting info. I was weak would an LED flash, like the one on the N73, be as compared to say a Xenon flash, like the ones found on consumer digital cameras?

And one another thing. The N70 and N72 also have LED flashes and infact, possess weaker batteries (typically a 970mAH BL-5c), yet there are apps out there which can make the LED light up for longer periods -- with very bright light -- without the need for Strobing (N70Torch comes to mind). Could these phones be using different LEDs or does it have anything to do with software limitations?

chris said...

HELP! it says that certificate expired for the miso app.

Anonymous said...

Same of me, certificate expired for miso app

Anonymous said...

I'm also having the same problem, when I install 'Miso Module for Python (miso-1.92-s60_3rd_self.sisx)' on N95 8GB, it will prompt message 'certificate expired', Please help.

Taha M said...

Hey Christine! To resolve the certificate expired issue, simply set your phone's date back by a few months. Here's what you need to do:

1. From the Menu, navigate to Tools > Settings > Date & Time.

2. Next, specify something like 30.6.2007 and voila!

Anonymous said...

Why can't i post comments here?
server bad?

Anonymous said...

Dear frined,
Let me put some light on this issue.
With a frenzy of cellphone models zooming out at the market,its just not too convinient to keep track of each and every hardware (Eg LED emitter) used with them.With break-neck competition on the horizon,Companies are experimenting various solutions for hardware. So we can take for granted,that amost every camera phone differs from another some or the other way.
So,in my honest optinions,we've stuck on some design or hardware limitations with N73.

Anonymous said...

Yikes ! the comment posting dosen't work now matter what i do.
Is there is Word limit or something?
I just wrote a nice long explanation and I can't comment !!
TM Please mail me!

Unknown said...


For the AIO-Torch, The flash works great.. Well, once i didn't look at it :D

However, the torch part of it, is that supposed to make the normal screen just display white? or is it supposed to make the camera flash turn on solidly?


Taha M said...

Hey Matt! Thanks for writing in. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but currently there isn't any way you can 'solidly' have the flash on at full brightness using a python script. However, the best that can be done is in the form of a pulsing strobelight.

P.S The ScreenTorch certainly is intended to make the entire display white. It will override any keypad lock commands too...think of it as your everyday poor man's torch :D

Anonymous said...

Hey TM,

Arh right, I suppose a poor mans torch is better than no torch at all!

Many thanks for app anyway. I hope someone releases a good one soon :D

Kinda feel left out, specially with the Sony Ericsson's getting them :O

Anonymous said...


i´ve read so much about your torch so i think it´s the right thing for me so install it on my nokia 6120 and just it wrights there is the certification to old??
so thank you for answer
so on

Taha M said...

No, Oliver, the thing is that if you get an expired certificate error, all you need to do is set your phone's date back by a few months (from Menu > Tools > Settings > Date & Time) and then install all these files.

Once you've done that, you can always restore the date to the current. Hope it works out for you :)

Anonymous said...

Well, it's a great pity that the light won't stay on permanently on the Nokia N95, but I've found a quite good solution...

You open the camera and then put your finger in front of the lens.
Then you lightly push the Camera Button, to focus the image (you still have your finger in front of the lens).
This will cause the camera to think that it is dark, so it switches on the light and tries to focus, but it can't, hehe, as you still have your finger in front of the lens.
So, the light will stay on for some seconds, until the camera gives it up.
Then you release the button and press it again and the light will imdediatley switch on again...

It needs some time to practice that you find the correct invervalls to release and press the button, so the light is almost on for all the time, but it works!

Well, I have read that you can't integrate this idea into a python script yet, but maybe someone will somewhen be able to realize this dream of all Nokia N95 users :-)

Anonymous said...

hy , i have a nokia 6120c, have anyone aplication witch i can turn my flash on tu use it as a torch. thnx

Taha M said...

@Demolition FABI: LOL, that's quite a workaround. But it is risky and you're bound to damage the lens sooner or later. Anyway, let's just hope that the people at Nokia are reading this and plan to do something about it in the near future :)

@ivan: Ivan, download the Python scripts from the links given above for using the Nokia 6120c as a torch.

Anonymous said...

thnx, i download miso-1.92-s60_3rd_self , PythonScriptShell_1_4_0_3rdEd , PythonForS60_1_4_0_3rdEd , and instal all but not a miso, and they dinnt work. please ansver.

Taha M said...

Ivan, you need to install miso as well to phone memory.

Once you have everything installed, create a new folder called 'Python' on your memory card and send the *.py files to this folder via Blueooth or using PC Suite.

Then, run Python from your Phone; go to Options > Run Script and specify the *.py file that you have sent earlier.

Hope it's all clear now.

Anonymous said...

What do i do if i dont have any memmory card.. i only got a C: (phonememmory) , and no matter where i try to put the files, then python cant find them... PLEASE HELP :)

Anonymous said...


when i tried to install miso, it says Certificate Expired on my phone screen.. :) wondering how i can do to install it :)


Anonymous said...

I installed every just fine on my n75 but it says something like "not supported." Anyone else have this problem with their n75? thanks for any help!

Anonymous said...

I can't install the miso bit either - it is refused due to an out of date certificate. When I tried changing the date on my phone to an earlier one to try to work around this, it simply said there was a problem with the certificate and still wouldn't install it. Pity, I was looking forward to using my new torch!

Sean Carl Grech said...

is there a way to make the flash light constantly on (as if it was a torch) instead of blinking?

Sean Carl Grech said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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